May 17, 2015 Romans 6:1-14 Matthew 6:22-24 Reflection on the Text This text addresses the problem of sin. If Jesus Christ has defeated sin and death, then how do we explain the sin that persists in this world? The sin that Jesus has overcome is the sin that separates humanity from God. No longer can sin keep us from the one who loves us. The question arises, then, can we continue to live in sin, relying upon the forgiveness and grace of God to save us in the end? Paul rejects this idea. Since we have been baptized into Christ’s death, we have also been baptized with him into new life. Having been exposed to the saving work of Christ, who could continue in sin knowing the hope and love that waits for us on the other side of sin? To be baptized in Christ and then continue in sin is as if a husband and wife wed and then continued to live apart from each other. If in love, then wouldn’t they desire to live together? If we are in a love relationship with God, wouldn’t we desire to live within the bond of that love? To continue in sin would be to reject the love of God. |