WHO WE AREWe are saints and sinnersThe first thing we know about the people in our faith community is that none of us has all the answers or all the faith—not the pastors, not the folks who have been here for 50 years, and not folks with new ideas. We trust that the Holy Spirit calls us together because God intends for us to be in community with other people. Elim is the place where we bring our questions, where we use our gifts, and where our brokenness is loved.
We are Lutheran
Descendants of the reformation of the 16th century, our faith community follows in the tradition of centering ourselves in the word of God and the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. We confess our faith with the Apostle's Creed and are guided by the confessional documents of Martin Luther. Everything we do is an attempt to follow in the way of Jesus, the Christ. More about our faith tradition and history can be found here.
You Are important to us
We seek to love all people and we count on the diversity of your ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, political conviction, gender, height, weight, income, social standing, vocation, education, abilities, and other attributes to make our community complete.