Elim's Worship Services depend on many volunteers. Not just those you see up in front, singing or playing an instrument, either. Here are the jobs that we are currently recruiting for. Once you are signed up and trained, you will be able to set up your own schedule using our online program called VicNet.
Please read the descriptions and then use this form to sign up.
Please read the descriptions and then use this form to sign up.
Lector (Reader)
From the pulpit or in front of the stairs to the altar read the following, which will be sent to you on Thursday or Friday ahead of time.
Communion Bread Baker
Bake bread from supplied recipes or buy pita-style bread. Deliver to church on Saturday before noon, placing the bread in the altar server room (behind the pulpit) on the counter, or on the kitchen table. You can get a key ahead of time from the church office. Bread should be cut into small pieces (can use a pizza cutter) so it can serve it with tongs. The bread should be brought in some type of plastic bag so that we can store and reuse the leftover bread. Please write the date it was prepared on the bag. Be sure the bread has completely cooled before bagging it so it doesn't get moldy. |
The Sacristan can set up communion on Saturday, or Sunday morning before the first service. For Saturdays, you can get a key earlier in the week from the church office. This involves putting the bread on the paten and filling the chalice and disposable cups with wine. Put the chalice with wine and paten with bread (or chalice with wafers) on the altar and cover all elements with a clean veil. Put trays and additional bread/wafers on the small table by the red chair next to the altar. Training will be provided. |
Communion Wine Server
Arrive at least 10 minutes before worship begins and check to see that communion is set-up on the table in front of the altar. The wine trays and wine chalices should be on the table next to the altar. When it’s time for communion, go up to the altar and get the wine chalices and trays. You will stand next to the Pastor or Assisting Lay Minister holding the chalices; the trays go on the side tables. To assist with serving communion say “The blood of Christ shed for you”. Let each person either dip their bread into a chalice or take a cup from the tray. At the end of the first service, the chalices and trays need to be checked so that they are ready for the next service. Reset the table in front of the altar. After the final service of the day, remove communion elements from the altar and dispose of it properly as trained. Wash and dry the chalice and the paten. Return all the communion ware to its place in the sacristy. Details will be provided at training session. |
Acolyte (Youth and Adult)
Arrive 15 minutes before worship and check with the pastor for any special instructions. Light the altar candles during the first song. Extinguish candles during the last song and meet the pastor at the steps to the altar to say the “sending”. You can also carry the cross, the Bible and even the dove poles. Helping with communion is an option too. Youth are usually 5th graders and older. Talk to the Pastor or to Robin Merrill if you have questions. |
Arrive 20 minutes early. Set out the bulletins on the tables near the Sanctuary entrance. Welcome people as they arrive and give them a bulletin. Take a count of everyone at service and enter it on the chart in the welcome area. Pass the offering baskets during offering. Guide the congregation up to communion. Check pews for trash after service. We also like to have a greeter or two, stationed at the doors coming in from the parking lot, to say hello to everyone. |
Coffee Hour Host
Arrive early (around 9 am) to get the coffee pot going. Set out sugar packets/creamer, cups, napkins and treats on the counter or a table. Keep things stocked; refill coffee carafes as needed. Clean up after the last service, leaving the kitchen ready for the preschool. Clean the carafes, wipe down the tables, cart and counters. Take home any towels used, launder and return the following Sunday. Coffee Hour - Bring Treats Bake some goodies at home or pick them up at the store. Can be baked treats or something healthier, like fruit or cheese or something else. Bring them to church on Sunday morning. |
Audio/Video Tech
No experience needed; training provided. The audio tech is the person you see walking around with the iPad, making sure the sound levels are good throughout the sanctuary. The video techs are up in the balcony, recording the service.
No experience needed; training provided. The audio tech is the person you see walking around with the iPad, making sure the sound levels are good throughout the sanctuary. The video techs are up in the balcony, recording the service.
Musicians and Singers
Like to sing or play an instrument? Talk to Lauren Haile (at the piano); she would be very happy to see you!
Altar Guild
Help change the paraments on the altar for different seasons and decorate as needed for special days. Talk to Karen Pesutich if interested.
Like to sing or play an instrument? Talk to Lauren Haile (at the piano); she would be very happy to see you!
Altar Guild
Help change the paraments on the altar for different seasons and decorate as needed for special days. Talk to Karen Pesutich if interested.