- Deuteronomy 30:9-14--The Lord will take delight in your fruitfulness
- Psalm 25:1-10--Show me your ways, O Lord, and teach me your paths. (Ps. 25:4)
- Colossians 1:1-14--The gospel is growing, bearing fruit in the whole world
- Luke 10:25-37--The parable of the merciful Samaritan
Introduction: To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind is to reflect God’s mercy in responding to one’s neighbor. That mercy found its most profound expression in the “gospel that has come to you”—namely the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That gospel mercy comes to us again today: at the font, at the table, and from the pulpit. It is very near to you.
Sermon: Pastor Debbie Mcallister
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