We voted unanimously to call Pastor Kathryn as our permanent pastor on December 11 and she has formally accepted. Hallelujah! In a formal document that went to the synod, we had to outline her 5 main areas of focus for her first year and the 5 ways that we, the congregation, will support her. I want to share these lists with you, which were developed in meetings with the LT, members of the call committee, synod representative Pastor Bill Wong, and Pastor Kathryn.
During the first year of ministry, the pastor will give special attention to the following:
First, catch our breath. Let’s engage in fellowship and celebration until the installation on Feb. 12.
The LT will transfer the responsibility of being head of staff to Pastor Kathryn, since she is the one who works with them daily.
She will develop Elim’s Christian education program with the support of a team.
We will engage in strategic planning regarding our worship, ministries, facilities, and stewardship.
She will launch the process to become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church, a designation that formally communicates our desire to welcome, affirm, and seek justice for all God’s people (with a goal of completion in 2024).
The congregation will encourage and support Pastor Kathryn’s ministry in the following ways:
We will pray for her and welcome her to our community.
Elim will support her with a dedicated staff, Leadership Team, and volunteers. We recognize that a vibrant, active church requires participation from everyone.
We commit to open and honest dialogue with our pastor.
We will use the Covenant of Right Relations in all our groups to address conflict and engage in healthy conversations.
We recognize a healthy work-life balance is important and will respect her boundaries.
I want to highlight particularly that a vibrant church requires more than just a fantastic pastor. We are committed to partnering with her, and our growing ministries require active participation from everyone. So as we prepare to enter a new year, please pray and decide how you will give of your time to Elim. Will you usher? Provide coffee and treats after service? Serve communion? Help with youth programs? Visit or call homebound members? Serve on a committee? Organize outreach opportunities? There is so much to be done. And the good news is, service is a joy. The more you get involved, the more you will get to know other members and feel truly a part of this church family. So in January, be prepared to share how you will partner with Pastor Kathryn for Elim’s ministries in 2023.
In gratitude,
--Laine Gen (she/her) President of the Congregation